Stick Down Loop Detectors- How to Successfully Install Them

Stick down loop detectors are insulated with unique impermeable material and are placed into slots cut in the asphalt or concrete. Loop sealant is used to seal the loops. Loop Sealant can be used to seal loops that have been cut in half. Sealant is available in asphalt and concrete hues. It is preferable to use an industrial-grade sealant rather than the asphalt in a tube purchased at hardware stores. How To Install Stick Down Loop Detectors Begin the wire installation by tying one end of the wire to the gate operator, leaving a few extra feet of wire in place. Then run the wire parallel to the ground in the same track it will be buried in later. When you reach the loop, choose a pattern and adhere to it in both loops. The wire should be wrapped around the loop the specified number of times or turns. Each turn of wire should be positioned vertically above the previous one. Vertical stacking of the stick-down loop detectors has little effect on loop detection, bu...